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Enkei GTV G’SPEC / Stillen GTV – JDM Wheels

Enkei GTV G'SPEC / Stillen GTV - JDM Wheels
The Enkei GTV G’SPEC are JDM Wheels that we actually got here in the states as the Stillen GTV. The Enkei GTV G’SPEC / Stillen GTV feature 2 piece construction with the 5 spoke faces bolted to aluminum barrels. The Enkei GTV G’SPEC / Stillen GTV were available in sizes from 17×8 to 18×10.

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Nissan Silvia S15 Original Advertisement

Nissan Silvia S15 Original Advertisement
The Nissan Silvia S15 was oneof those JDM cars we never got here in the states, one reason was it was made at a time when sports cars were being phased out in the states. The advertisemsnt does mention specs for different Spec-R versions and a Spec-S version, but we do know the s15 did come with a potent version of the SR20DET with the ball bearing turbo and high compression.

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Altia N1 & Altia N1-EX – JDM Wheels

Altia N1 & Altia N1-EX - JDM Wheels
The Altia N1 & Altia N1-EX are Jone piece JDM Wheels with a 5 spoke design. The Altia N1-EX were only available in 18″ diameters up to 9.5″ width and feature more lip than the Altia N1. The Altia N1 have spokes that go all the way to the edge of the lip and also a deeper cup like center lug section but were only offered in 16″ & 17″ diameters up to 9″ width. Pictured are the on a Nissan Skyline GTR R34 and the Altia N1 Nissan Skyline GTR R33.

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EOS Division by SSR Wheels – JDM Wheels

EOS Division by SSR Wheels – JDM Wheels
The EOS Division are JDM Wheels manufactured by Japanese wheel maker SSR Wheels. The EOS Division feature 2 piece construction, with a 7 spoke face bolted to the barrel. The EOS Division came in 16″ and 17″ diameters, up to 9″ wide. Pictured are the on a Nissan Skyline GT-R R32 in 17×9 all around.

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Riverside Trafficstar DTX & RTS – VIP Wheels

Riverside Trafficstar DTX & Riverside Trafficstar RTX - VIP Wheels
The Riverside Trafficstar DTX & Riverside Trafficstar RTS are VIP Wheels from JDM Wheel manufacturer Riverside Co. The Riverside Trafficstar DTX VIP Wheels features 3 piece construction all bolted to a 10 short spoke face. Also pictured are the Riverside Trafficstar RTS VIP Wheels, which feature a 5 spoke design and 3 piece construction. Pictured are the on a Riverside Trafficstar DTX Nissan Cima.


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Work Emitz VIP Wheels by Work Wheels – JDM Wheels

Work Emitz VIP Wheels by Work Wheels - JDM Wheels
Work Emitz are old school VIP Wheels from Work Wheels, that have recently been rereleased. The Work Emitz are JDM Wheels that look similar to an American Spoke Wheel, also to me looks like a giant turbine like it’s cousin the St. Louis Turbine. The Work Emitz are available in 19″, 20″ & 21″ Sizing.

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Rays Engineering Volk Racing Lineup – JDM Wheels

Rays Engineering Volk Racing Lineup - JDM Wheels
Rays Engineering / Volk Racing has been manufacturing JDM Wheels for over 40 years, this ad is only about 30 years old. From wire wheels, to the famous Volk Racing Mesh series, to collaborations with the french Gotti Wheels, Rays Engineerng makes a diverse range of wheels. Pictured are the Rays Engineering Volk Spoke, Rays Engineering Volk II, Rays Engineering Volk Mesh, Rays Engineering Volk FF, Rays Engineering Volk Mini, Rays Engineering Gotti, Rays Engineering Gotti Mini, Rays Engineering Xray, Rays Engineering Volk racing, Rays Engineering Volk Racing FF.

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