JDM, Wheels Gold SSR Full Reverse Mesh on DC Acura Integra November 13, 2012 admin Leave a comment Every time I see pictures of this pictures Acura Integra on SSR Full Reverse Mesh I get a little Jealous. A few years ago, I picked up a clean Non Molested Paradise Blue Green Acura Integra GS-R, got a great deal on some Racing Hart CP-F Tuners and the car gets stolen. All they stole were the wheels, seats and system. I get the car back throw on some Black Racing Phantoms and again the car gets stolen again; total loss, what luck! – Gold SSR Full Reverse Mesh on DC Acura Integra The Acura Integra pictured here has everything I wanted mine to be, same PG blue color, some sick SSR Mesh wheels, SIR-G Vtec front lip with OEM fogs and a sick drop. – Gold SSR Full Reverse Mesh on DC Acura Integra SSR Full Reverse Mesh are 16×8 +27 with most likely 205/40/16 tires, and they look to fit perfect. – Gold SSR Full Reverse Mesh on DC Acura Integra SSR Full Reverse Mesh is the sister wheel to the SSR Formula Mesh. The Mesh face is mounted differently, with the flat side out (non stepped) register is mounted differently so the face takes up the full space inside the rim. This integra is so clean, maybe I ill find another one! – Gold SSR Full Reverse Mesh on DC Acura Integra Acura Integra on Gold SSR Full Reverse Mesh 16×8 +27 Source: http://www.canibeat.com/2010/02/its-kraaaaazyyyy/ share:Reddit