The Epsilon Southern Ways Mesh are Old School JDM Wheels that are popular on old school rotaries, as they are a perfect match on this Mazda R100. This Mazda R100 was spotted at the Vintage Japanese Motor Union meet hosted at Love20Bee Wheels in La Verne, CA; check out Love20Bee Wheels foe some cool fresh Old School JDM Wheels!Epsilon Southern Ways Mesh JDW Wheels in rare form, wearing the more rare center caps. The Epsilon Southern Ways Mesh feature true three piece construction, with a seprate 20 bolt barrel, lip and face; one of the most iconic old school JDM Wheels of all time.Side view of the Mazda R100, body and paint are perfect on this machine.Check out the prefect rear fitment of the Epsilon Southern Ways on the Mazda R100. A newer school Racing Beat muffler is a cool touch.The Mazda R100 Rotary has a pretty mean stance that says all business! – Epsilon Southern Ways Mesh JDM Wheels on Mazda R100 Rotary