A BMW E30 M3 at first glance, but this E30 really started life as an early model BMW E30 323i. This BMW E30 went through a transformation both outside and under the hood.- OZ Rally Wheels on Flared BMW E30OZ Rally Wheels in 18×8 are fitted to this BMW E30. The red lettering looks really nice against all the white.- OZ Rally Wheels on Flared BMW E30BMW E30 M3 body parts have been fitted to this car, but the flares are actually wider and done in fiberglass. – OZ Rally Wheels on Flared BMW E30Ever wondered what 833 Horsepower looked like? Its in there mixed in with ITB’s and a Big Turbo. – OZ Rally Wheels on Flared BMW E30– OZ Rally Wheels on Flared BMW E30