The Colin Star Series are Old School JDM Wheels manufactured by SSR Wheels. The Colin Star Shark Series includes the Colin Star Shark, Colin Star Shark II and the Colin Star Shark Mini. Most Commonly I see Colin Star Sharks on AE86 Toyota Corolla, and Datsun 510, however they are a nice touch on any Old School JDM Ride. The car in the advertisement is an older model JDM Toyota Celica XX, or Toyota Supra in other parts of the world. – Colin Star Shark by SSR WheelsThe Colin Star Shark is a 2 piece wheel which features a double 4 point star design with the front star polished and the rear star in its featured color. The Colin Star Shark II is a 2 piece wheel which features a 10 point star design with squared spokes. The Colin Star Shark Mini is a one piece version of the Star Shark most likely for Older Mini Cooper fitment and possibly other small cars of the period. – Colin Star Shark by SSR Wheels
SSR Formula Mesh is one of the most popular JDM Wheels of all time. Produced in the 80’s The SSR Formula mesh is a simple 2 piece wheel, with a mesh face bolted with 20 bolts in to a welded barrel with a stepped lip. Speed Star Racing also made the SSR MK I, SSR MK II and SSR MK III wheels as pictured; thier classic JDM wheel line wich introduces the 3 piece wheel. Also pictured is the SSR Star Formula, a 6 spoke race inspired wheel. JDM Wheels – SSR Formula Mesh, SSR Star Formula, SSR MK I, SSR MK II, SSR MK IIII always wondered about the SSR Formula Mesh ith the rounded center portion, and it seems it was the design for Speed Star Racing produced for 16″ models; the smaller sizes get the regular Star shaped center sections. Later all SSR Formula Mesh models got the Star shaped centers up to 18inches. I personally think the 5 lug star centers look the best. JDM Wheels – SSR Formula Mesh, SSR Star Formula, SSR MK I, SSR MK II, SSR MK IIIThe SSR MKI was the original Speed Star Racing wheel with a flat face and no spokes or holes. The SSR MKII has a classic 4 spoke sqaured spoke design. The SSR MKIII has a design similar to the MKII, but with smaller spokes between the bigger 4. The SSR Star Formula had a pointh 6 spoke design ith polished front face and painted accents. JDM Wheels – SSR Formula Mesh, SSR Star Formula, SSR MK I, SSR MK II, SSR MK III