The Bolzanos lineup of VIP wheels look to have an american style to them, reminiscent of an application you may see on a chevy truck. The Bolzanos SAVAGE has a twin six spoke design with covered lug nut, with a chrome finish. Similar to the Savage, the Bolzanos SPHINCK has a twin seven spoke design in chrome with a covered lug nuts. The Bolzanos MARIAGE has a five wrapped five spoke design and exposed lug nuts, in this case resembling other more common Japanese VIP Wheels. On the ohter hand we have the Bolzanos Vancleef with more of a european style; slightly reminiscent to the Breyton Magic or something from Hartge. The Bolzanos B.A.E SS1 is a two piece wheel with a 5 spoke design and open lug area. The Bolzanos B.A.E MARIAGE is similar to the regular Bolzanos MARIAGE but with two piece construction. The Bolzanos B.A.E MS has a split spoke performance look similar to the BBS LM or Work VS-XX, but with a slightly different look. Thw Bolzanos B.A.E DS is another two piece with a more formal VIP look similae to the SSR Vienna Dish or Work Euroline DH. Pictured are the Bolzanos SPHINCK on a Toyota Crown.
The Linea Limix 161 are VIP Wheels by JDM Wheels distributor Crimson Inc. The Linea Limix 161 feature a big, full face three spoke design and 2 piece construction. The Linea Limix 161 are VIP Wheels intended for big body VIP Cars and are only available in 18″ diameter. Pictured are the Linea Limix 161 on a Toyota Aristo.
The Rawlings Japan RS-D and Rawlings Japan BBF are JDM Wheels with the classic AMG 5 spoke dish design popular with VIP Wheels at the time. It looks as the Rawlings Japan RS-D have a regular painted silver finish, and the Rawlings Japan BBF have a polished, or chrome finish.
The Myrtle Brava are VIP Wheels produced by company Crimson Inc. The Myrtle Brava feature a full face up to the end of the wheel for a big appearance. The Myrtle Brava by Crimson is a one piece wheel although has bolts giving it a multi piece look.
The Riverside Trafficstar DTX & Riverside Trafficstar RTS are VIP Wheels from JDM Wheel manufacturer Riverside Co. The Riverside Trafficstar DTX VIP Wheels features 3 piece construction all bolted to a 10 short spoke face. Also pictured are the Riverside Trafficstar RTS VIP Wheels, which feature a 5 spoke design and 3 piece construction. Pictured are the on a Riverside Trafficstar DTXÂ Nissan Cima.
Work Emitz are old school VIP Wheels from Work Wheels, that have recently been rereleased. The Work Emitz are JDM Wheels that look similar to an American Spoke Wheel, also to me looks like a giant turbine like it’s cousin the St. Louis Turbine. The Work Emitz are available in 19″, 20″ & 21″ Sizing.
The Weds Kranze Ratzinger are VIP Wheels which I believe have a USDM flare to them. The Weds Kranze Ratzinger are JDM Wheels with a 5 spoke design with a reverse moumt style lip. Pictured are the Weds Kranze Ratzinger in a chrome finish mounted on a VIP styled Nissan Cima. Also Pictured are the Weds Kranze LXZ and Weds Kranze Bazeria.